Friday, July 11, 2014

thyroid nodule

We've had a grieving week, but have felt overwhelmed with the love of family and friends, and the Lord's faithfulness.  If there can be a perfect passing of a loved one, I feel like we had that.  Derek's place at his desk, the table, at work, on the patio, is vacant here.  We miss him sorely.  With the great expectation of seeing him again and having assurance where he is now and what all he might be enjoying, we get through each day, comforted by the Holy presence of Jesus in our hearts.

On another note, I had a shoulder tendon tear last year which led to months of physical therapy, a cortisone shot, etc, and finally an MRI of my neck to check for disk bulge.  The MRI was the 9th, and it showed no disk bulges.  However, it showed a 2 cm thyroid nodule.  Based on the history with Derek, my inclination with the support of my two sets of parents was to come to Mayo Clinic and get answers fast.  I realize many are benign.  I've just completed the fine needle biopsy, and am waiting on the doctor visit which won't probably have the final results yet, but may indicate if it is concerning or whether surgery will be necessary.  It seems like strange timing to me, but as I laid on the table for the biopsy I had lots of thoughts of Derek thinking of him going through so much of what he did without complaining and with plenty of patience to go around.  It helped me to think of his steadfastness.

So, I will try to update when I learn more.  Prayers are so appreciated for our family.  The kids and their caretakers, my anxiety level, our grieving process, and so much more.  Health if it can be God's plans for us.  Thank you for your love.

Rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, in every thing give thanks.



  1. Praying for you that God will give you that calm and reassuring faith that He will carry you all through this time! Lots of love Jon n marla

  2. That's unbelievable, Leann. Honestly, I really don't even know what to say. We will keep praying for you- and hopefully soon, you will find out it is totally benign. But more than anything, we will pray that God can continue to bless you with His presence in your heart like you said- that is answer to our prayers already. We love you and your children!

  3. We echo the Blunier family. Praying so much for you Leann. We love you! -Jeremy & Tammy

  4. Praying for you Leann. I have a similar sized mass on my Thyroid and so I know the anxiety of it. Praying that you will find out that it is benign and your mind can be set at ease. I am comforted by God's tenderness toward the desperate. Throughout scripture Jesus consistently moved to the aid of those who were at the end of their own resources. He gave them grace, healing, mercy, forgiveness of sin and so much more. I pray that in this time of sorrow and anxiety that you will continue to know a sense of His presence and power in your life as never before; that your weakness would continue to be a conduit for His strength to shine through. You and Derek have truly been an inspiration for many and a testimony to the faithfulness and love of the God we serve. Praying for you.

  5. I am PRAYING for you! We enjoyed some time tonite with your three younger kids.. but my heart just hurt for all of you. I had to think of Job where he says.. "though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him.." And so my prayer for you is that you can stay focused and keep trusting in the One who loves you unceasingly and is holding all of you in the hollow of His almighty hand..

  6. Praying for you Leann. May you feel the love and prayers of so many who love you and your family. God is right beside you. John & Gloria

  7. Continuing to keep you in our thoughts & prayers!
