Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Morning

Yesterday was a pretty good day.  The leak continued on one tube but not the other. So they took that tube out and I am down to a single chest tube.  It's still on suction but they will take the suction off sometime today or tomorrow.  Then if I can do no suction for a while, they will put the Heimlich valve on.  They will watch that for a little while before they release me.  Dr.Wigle said yesterday that he thinks Tuesday is probably the day I will be released.  We spent some time in the court yard yesterday.  It was hot to the locals but to us the humidity and temp are not that high.

Thanks for all your prayers.  Have a good day worshipping our Great God!

Derek & Lean


  1. Derek and LeAnn

    I am back in Panama tonight... many problems at work - oh well - that never seems to change. One thing about the traveling is that late in the evening I tend to have time to catch up on my blogs, emails, text messages, etc

    As I read your story it reminds me of some of my ancestors... my grandpa Beutel, a kind patient loving man who taught me that being at peace with people was the most important thing. And, also that temptations will come throughout life, regardless of our position or situation.

    Karen's Grandpa Laidig - a man who came from Germany in 1930 with one suitcase, a bible, and $50 - that was all, his entire world. But, he had faith... faith that God would take care of his needs. God was faithful... he lived a life of respect, peace, and love of all man... who could want more?

    They both had cancer at some point in their lives... a lot of pain and special care needs, requiring patience and diligence of their supporting family members.

    My sincere prayers as you journey onward through this difficult pathway.

    In Christ,

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Derek:

    We continue to pray for you and your family every day. May God grant you peace and calm as you continue to trust in Him during these difficult days. Our love to you, Leann, and your sweet children.

    Luann, Aaron,
    Jared, and Rose
